There are certain things you should be doing to your face daily. Cleansing and moisturizing.
Not exactly sure what you want to buy but need a good place to start?
This is the set for you.
Contains 1 of each: African Black Soap, Toner, and Face Oil
Select from the bar (4oz) or liquid black soap (2oz or 8oz) version. Either version will be sold with a 2oz Face Oil
This set will get you started with a good base routine while working on getting consistent with your skincare routine. Yep, I know you aren't quite consistent...yet...but it is coming!
This set is also the perfect travel pack if the 2oz is chosen. Each piece is TSA approved. No worries that you will have to make the tough decision to check your back or throw out all your goodies while security stares you down waiting for a response!
CAUTION: Face Oil is not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers due to the essential oil blend used.
Not eligible for discounts of any kind.